How Do We See Ukraine's Future?
Ukraine is at a crucial historical crossroads. After trials and struggle, our nation has proven its indomitability to the whole world. Now we face the most important task – to transform this unbreakable spirit into creative energy, to rebuild our state based on national traditions, values, and economic freedom.
By 2035, our country should become a nation with a developed innovative economy, ranking among the twenty largest economies in the world. This means GDP per capita comparable to neighboring EU countries, developed industry, leadership positions in agricultural technologies, extraction and processing of natural resources, as well as in energy.
Our organization Svit.UA aims to build a society where every citizen has legal protection, access to quality education and healthcare; where an effective social protection system works; where veterans and people with disabilities are fully integrated into social life. We strive to create a new type of state where:
- Law and justice are real, not declarative values.
- The Constitution is not just a document, but a fundamental social contract that is strictly observed by everyone, starting with the President.
- State institutions serve citizens.
- Culture and education form responsible citizens and unite society.
- The economy works transparently and efficiently, creating opportunities for all, not just for the chosen few.
Economic Sovereignty
Ukraine must become a country with a developed innovative economy, ranking among the twenty largest economies in the world. We will stop the transformation of our state into a raw material appendage of other countries and restore control over national wealth.
We will ensure:
- Processing of raw materials in Ukraine, creating added value and jobs.
- A simple and low taxation system.
- Злам корупційних схем, які роками висмоктували ресурси з економіки.
- Breaking corrupt schemes that have been draining resources from the economy for years.
- Protection of private property rights.
- Priority development of small and medium businesses as the foundation of the middle class.
A New Type of International Relations
Ukraine needs a pragmatic and sovereign foreign policy. We will:
- Protect Ukraine's national interests in relations with all states.
- Develop mutually beneficial relations with all countries.
- Maintain a powerful army and defense complex that will guarantee our security.
- Become a leader in regional integration processes.
Involvement of Ukrainians Abroad in Building a New State
We pay special attention to the return of compatriots who are temporarily abroad. Everyone who wants to contribute to building a new Ukraine should have such an opportunity. We are creating mechanisms for:
- Professional realization.
- Investment in the economy
- Participation in state governance.
- Development of own business.
Our roadmap includes three key stages:
The first stage recovery and foundation laying – covers the period 2025-2028. This is a time of large-scale reconstruction and modernization of infrastructure after the end of the war. We plan to develop strategies and initiate programs for building new housing for IDPs and veterans, launch powerful technology parks, develop a cluster model of the economy based on the extraction and processing of our natural resources, create new jobs, and maximize the development of our own defense industry. We will carry out a deep reform of law enforcement agencies and courts, ensuring their independence, professionalism, and accountability to society.
The second stage growth and innovation – covers 2028-2035. This is a period of active development of high-tech clusters, scaling agricultural innovations, and deep reform of higher education and science. By 2030, we aim to achieve GDP per capita at the level of Romania and Bulgaria; ensure that high-tech exports account for a quarter of the country's total exports through the revival of industrial potential; achieve energy independence through the extraction and processing of our own mineral resources; make the export-import balance profitable. At this stage, we also aim to stop the demographic crisis and ensure population growth in Ukraine.
The third stage – global leadership – covers the period from 2035. This is a time when Ukraine consolidates its position among world leaders in key industries. We aim to enter the top twenty largest economies in the world, ensure complete energy independence, and create a network of global research and development centers.
Our civic movement sees Ukraine as a strong, prosperous, and independent state that relies on the entrepreneurial spirit and innovative potential of its citizens. We believe in the power of individual freedom, responsibility, and initiative. Our goal is to create conditions where every Ukrainian will have the opportunity to realize their potential and build a successful life for themselves and their family.
The organization Svit.UA invites everyone who shares our values and vision for Ukraine's future to join our movement. Together we will build a state that our children and grandchildren will be proud of. The future of Ukraine is in our hands!